
Firesticks partners are working to implement integrated fire, environmental weed and vertebrate pest management approaches to improve and link areas of important habitat and improve biodiversity and cultural values across landscapes. Ngunya Jargoon IPA rangers have conducted site preparation and restoration actions over the past year as part of the contractual agreement on their IPA near Wardell NSW.

Activities performed so far include fire management preparations which include weed management by the removal of coral trees (Erythrina sp.) into piles for burning, poisoning weeds and non native grasses, creation of control lines for future burning activities, cleaning around heritage scar trees to protect from wildfires and survey work using transect lines.

Two educational videos document the process of clearing the coral trees and the preparation for cultural burns were created by the IPA and may be viewed by clicking on the links below.

Further information about the IPA may be found here:

The following gallery shows the hard work undertaken by the IPA rangers in preparing the IPA for future burns.

 Logo_Jali_IPA        Logo_Ngunya_Jargoon