
Accredited Fire Fighting Course at Yarrawarra Cultural Centre May 2014

Funded by the Australian Government’s Clean Energy Future Biodiversity Fund under the Firesticks Project and the NSW Rural Fire Service Bushfire Resilience for Aboriginal Communities (BRAC) program, Aboriginal land managers from across Northern NSW met at the Yarrawarra Cultural Centre to participate in fire fighting training whilst increasing the awareness of the cultural significance of burning practices and values.

During […]

June 12th, 2014|Categories: Casino Boolangle, Minyumai, News, Ngulingah, Ngunya Jargoon, Wattleridge, Willows Boorabee|Tags: , |

Wattleridge IPA

Wattleridge IPA images by David Milledge, principal Firesticks ecologist.

May 11th, 2014|Categories: Wattleridge|Tags: , |